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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  October 14, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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everyday task or situation can turn into one tough day on the job. i'm contessa brewer. that's all for this edition of "caught on camera." defiant, dangerous, and desperate. they are suspects who won't go down without a fight. whether riding down the road in a fiery truck -- >> don't even think about it. >> -- or jumping off a bridge. each in their own way, defied the rules, clashed with police,
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and paid the price. >> shots fired. "caught on camera: they fought the law." a gunman goes on a deadly rampage in the heart of hollywood. >> i saw a guy on the street in his car go by. he start shooting at him. >> i figured he had blanks. i thought it couldn't be real. it became real when i heard a window shatter. >> i hadn't heard any gunshots. there was no fore warning. there was nothing to tell me that i was driving into danger. i was within half an inch of death. >> he was right there. i kind of just shrug off to the side and make myself a tiny target. hear the gunshot go off.
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los angeles, california. december 9th, 2011. it's 1k4r07b 10:19 friday morning. chris johns is working out of his home office four stories above the hollywood intersection of sunset and vine. >> i was on the phone, and during the phone call i heard a popping sound. first i dismissed it as the backfire of a car or some construction down the road. i wasn't sure. and then i heard pop, pop, a new more pops. i looked out the window and saw a man with a white tank top and a gun. was roaming the streets randomly shooting at cars. >> johns begins recording this video with his cell phone camera and tries to warn the people below.
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>> he's shooting people at will. he's shooting people. >> across vine street, john aderbury, a movie executive and producer lies critically wounded, shot in the face and neck. while aderbury fights for his life, the gunman calmly strolls up a now deserted vine street. >> i was driving on vine street heading south and stopped at the intersection of sunset and vine. >> movie producer john rydell is driving a red honda civic. >> in the middle of the street i saw a young man waving. i thought, well, it's friday morning. he's having a good time. so the light turned green, and i went across the intersection. he was looking straight ahead, until my car became parallel with him. all the sudden he zipped around, faced me and boom.
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i hear the sound. the glass on my car window shatters. >> the bullet misses rydell by half an inch. lodging in his car door. >> there was glass all over my clothes. glass had hit my cheek. >> chris godley, a photo editor for the hollywood reporter is one car behind in a black toyota. >> i saw him raise his gun and take a shot into the car, and i saw the window explode, and then he saw me coming. the barrel of his gun is now raising up towards me. i had no real choice but to drive straight through the intersection. i saw the gun start to come around in my direction, and i knew what was about to happen. everything slows down in that moment. >> the bullet goes through the truck door and grazes his leg. >> had he had better aim, yeah, i could be not here right now the bullet hit my ipad, which was sitting in the passenger's
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seat next to me. came in this way, this direction, bounced off and went into my passenger side door. >> from his fourth floor apartment chris johnson watches as terrified drivers swerve to avoid the gunman. >> he's shooting people. >> he's roaming the streets, methodically shooting at anything that moves. >> security at john's building has already called 911, but with no sign of police, john opts to create a diversion using himself. >> at that point something went off in my head. i said, what can i do to distract this guy. i immediately started shouting, hey, you madman. >> madman! why don't you come up here. come on up here, buddy. shoot me. i want to die. shoot me. i'm ready to die. kill me, i want to die! please, kill me! >> i thought it would get his
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attention. something that sounds crazy. if he was in an altered state maybe he would believe. when he started coming in my direction i saw him getting closer and closer. i wondered, is he going to shoot? am i going to die? >> instead the gunman has a request. >> i don't have any, man. i'm so sorry. >> he's like, i'm out of ammo. >> i'm so sorry. >> call the ambulance. >> he says, call an ambulance. here i'm thinking, he doesn't know what he just did. he's telling me to call the ambulance. >> there's a cop. >> three minutes after the first shots are fired, two detectives just blocks away when told of the shooting by eyewitnesses pull up and run south. down vine, under a tree line. a third officer, off duty and working a nearby movie set joins up with them.
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they attempt to engage the gunman, but according to eyewitness gregory, the shooter is suicidal. >> he was out of his mind. he was really out of his mind. he goes, i want it die. i want to die. all of the sudden, the system makes this move like he's going to go for a gun, you know, like he's like a quick draw or something. >> the gun flies from his hand. from under the trees, two of the officers fire at the suspect. >> he put his hand on his side. and he kind of walked back, and he stumbled to the floor. >> the professional photographer who always carries a camera captures these dramatic images of the gunman who is now holding what appears to be a knife. >> i could see in his face that he was just in pain. his mouth was open. he was squirming on the floor. all the other lapd officers came
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up from down the street. >> the shooter dies at the scene. with the street secured, victim john atterberry is rushed to the e.r. >> they removed him from the car. he was lying on the pavement. and then he was picked up and put on a gurney and wheeled away to an ambulance. i thought, i hope he's going to be okay. as it turned out, he wasn't okay. >> atterberry's wounds are too severe. he dies three days later. >> he was jubilant and just had a everies havant that shined through him. >> actress jen godson stars in god's country, a film atterberry cowrote and was producing hen he died. >> he had a lot of friends and a lot of loved ones. i think it's because he cared so much for people. when god took him, that was one thing i was praying, god why?
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why? it's senseless. the shooter is later identified as 26-year-old tyler brown. he was apparently distraught over a breakup with his long time girlfriend traces before. toxicology reports showed signs of marijuana and methamphetamine. >> we can't control somebody who decides to have a bad day and start firing on everybody. you just never know when something like that can happen. for the two survivors, every day is a gift. neither chris nor don will soon forget how close they came to losing their lives. >> i think i take relationships with people i care about more seriously. >> god was looking after me that day. i truly believe by the grace of god that i'm here today talking to you. >> coming up, danger at the wheel.
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a fugitive from justice takes his ex-girlfriend on a terrifying ride. >> i see this person who is just laughing. his eyes are open. he's enjoying himself. >> when "caught on camera: they fought the law" continues. welcome aboard!
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bullets fly as police chase a wanted man willing to do anything to escape. >> i knew at that point that we were dealing with an extremely dangerous and violent criminal. >> he wasn't going to stop until he crashed and either killed somebody or killed himself. >> fresno, california, december 16th, 2002. it's just before 11:00 p.m. and police are in hot pursuit. the man they're after, suspect wanted for skipping bail in a narcotics case. 15 minutes earlier the 26-year-old had taken off when
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cops in nearby clovis try to bring him in. in the car with him, his on again/off again girlfriend, and the mother of his two sons who shared her story with local television. >> i was just scared, and i'm still shook up. i begged him to stop. to just let me out. just stop. he just kept on going. >> by chance tony kirkpatrick, a fresno camera operator is in the vicinity and captures this dramatic video. >> i just started rolling. i just kept rolling. as you could tell, the camera was like crooked because i was so nervous. >> police fear he could be high on drugs and heavily armed. as the suspect approaches a busy intersection. the officer now retired sees an opportunity to perform a pit maneuver. >> it involves making contact
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with the suspect vehicle in one of the recorder panels, and what it does essentially is causes them to spin out of control. as i move in a position to do that, he repositioned his vehicle. we were going to basically hit head on. my concern is if i collide head on, what's going to happen to her? >> he opts to brake at the last second, but not before locking eyes with the suspect. >> i see this person who is just laughing. his eyes are open. he's enjoying himself. it's obvious to me, anyway, that his intent is to get away or die trying. >> moments later sahara's car is rammed by another police vehicle. the suspect keeps driving, mounting a median and steering the battered honda to a gas station across the street. there he's hit again but sahareth keeps moving. this time police use their guns
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to stop him, opening fire with a barrage of bullets. >> i could hear bullets impacting the walls around me. i was extremely concerned because i knew there's a passenger in this car. in my mind i'm thinking she's going to get killed. >> i was ducking down. i was covering my head. just didn't know what to do. i can feel it pounding, bang, through the car. just forcing through there. i was just waiting for bullets to come through me. i was just waiting to die. sahareth, his car stuck on a raised planter, guns the motor. unable to see their target, police hold their fire. seconds later sahareth is able to maneuver the car free. officers release another round of bullets. >> you can clearly see one of
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the officers executing what's known as a speed load, where he's trying to reload his gun quickly. you can see the magazine drop quickly and he continues to refire. >> just to see all the shells flying in the air was like matrix or something. my kids flashed in my face. my wife flashed in my face. that's when i realized i'm in it too deep. >> the camera operator takes cover behind his news van but keeps rolling. off camera sahareth gives police the slip yet again. >> he was finally able to drive out of the parking lot. he headed northbound. went up to the next light, turned around and came directly back at the officers again. >> clovis officer cabby chen.
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he was no longer trying to flee. he drove straight into the back of another car sitting at the intersection. there were three or four lanes that he could have gone through, and he directly hit that car. >> get your hands up! >> the collision finally brings the chase to an end. >> the driver was actually laying across the passenger seat in the lap of the female passenger. he's like, just hold me. just take me in your arms. get ready to die together. i was just like praying for my own life. >> officer acosta fears the worst for sahareth's passenger. >> totally expected her to be shot. was greatly relieved to find out she was not when i got to the vehicle. >> sahareth is unarmed. he has been shot four times. >> when it was all said and done, i was patting myself down to make sure i didn't get hit or if there was blood anywhere.
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i just started crying. >> police fire a reported 70 rounds at the suspect's vehicle. >> i think the police went too far. they could have stopped us in a different way. >> sahareth survives and is convicted of several charges. including false imprisonment, driving under the influence, and evading police. according to toxicology reports, alcohol and methamphetamine are found in his system. he's sentenced to six years and four months in prison. several investigations by the police and district attorney's office find the fresno police acted within policy and their response did not break the law. >> i'm glad that i'm hear right now from what i saw on the tv. i'm just glad. >> coming up, an enraged suspect takes on three officers at once.
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>> i'm spraying. >> i emptied the whole canister. almost seemed like the pepper spray aggravated him. >> when "caught on camera: they fought the law" continues. safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners' discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now, that's progressive. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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a vicious fight breaks out in a police station when a burglary suspect tries to escape. >> it was crazy. gone wild. 50 some seconds of madness. >> university of akron ohio, may 18th, 1999. campus police officer aaron burnett is preparing to fingerprint 30-year-old steven bergen, a local resident who does not attend the school. he's been arrested for stealing a stereo, more than 30 cds and several bags of milky ways from a fraternity house on campus. >> i need yir fingerprints. as station surveillance cameras roll, burnett senses something isn't right.
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nevertheless, he uncuffs the suspect, a move he will soon regret. >> you going to cooperate here? >> there were indicators that he was going to be confrontational. >> thomas shannon, now retired, was a campus police officer at the time. >> sometimes you just overlook those things. >> you want to do some fingerprints or not? >> reluctantly the suspect gets up. instead of facing the table, the 6'2" burgen stares down the must smaller burnett. the rookie officer tries to assert his authority. you going to cooperate or not? >> i think there's times where the officer was trying to establish himself as the alpha dog in the situation. >> stewart warner reported on the story for the cleveland plain dealer. he was a young officer, and there are times when you need to do that. this is not one of those times because you had a suspect who
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was unstable. >> burnett again sensing trouble is hoping to get burgen back on the bench and get some additional assistance. >> sit down on the chair. no, you're not. you're going to sit down. >> i'm going to try to give my fingerprints and do what you want me to do. >> you don't square off with me! you understand. >> man, i'm trying to give my fingerprints. we're going to do this again. after a minute officer burnett returns and uncuffs the suspect a second time. >> just off camera is campus police officer thomas shannon. >> officer burnett asks me to come back.
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he was having some problems with the suspect. the suspect turned to me and asks what i was doing back there. >> what are you coming over here? >> because i want to come here. >> his reaction was like i was disrespecting him. like, what did you say to me. sit down. >> don't respect me. >> put your hand down. sit down. >> the second time he squares off, he's ready to go. [ bleep ] off. >> in the blink of an eye, the fight was on. >> burnett, who is unarmed, goes for the pepper spray, but bergen knocks him back with a blow to the neck. officer shannon uses his baton
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but it has little effect on the suspect. burnett calls for the officers to use pepper spray. >> i sprayed him, actually emptied my whole canister. >> officer burnett, reeling from pepper spray, runs from the room. >> pepper spray burns. it causes your tear ducts, your nasal cavity to open. probably nine times out of ten it's going to incapacitate someone long enough for you to apprehend them. >> but not so with this suspect. >> it almost seemed like the pepper spray aggravated him. >>berg enloses his shirt in the frai. then reaches for a chair and hurls it at officer shannon. >> i didn't even feel the
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claire. the brawl moves out of the way of the camera in front of adjacent lockers. >> when you see the lockers rattling, that's me hitting him a second time. this time, in the chest. it doesn't stop him. >> another officer joins the fight, and the four officers are able to subdue bergen. >> down on the the ground. >> we got him to the ground. as we're handcuffing him, he's yelling, kill me, kill me, just kill me. >> kill me! kill me! kill me. >> it was over. it was done. he knew he wasn't going further. >> the pepper spray makes its way through the ventilation system, ultimately sending seven officers and a radio dispatcher to the hospital for treatment. steven bergen, originally detained for stealing a stereo and a few bags of snacks ends up in far deeper trouble. in addition to one count of
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burglary, he's convicted of aggravated assault on a police officer and attempted escape. he serves four years and seven months in prison. after the incident, a lot of things changed at the campus police station. >> our booking area became more secure. it was moved to a whole different building. no loose chairs. no loose things they could get their hands on and use against us. >> coming up, an ex-con hijacks a lumber truck and gives new meaning to the term pursuit. hell on wheels. when "caught on camera: they fought the law" continues. [ male announcer ] the 2013 smart comes with 8 airbags, a crash management system and the world's only tridion safety cell which can withstand over three and a half tons. small in size. big on safety.
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rm i'm milissa rehberger. an out of work ex-con leads police on a wild ride. driving a stolen lumber truck, its flat bed in flames. >> i can't believe they didn't stop this guy, man. >> it can't get much more dangerous. he was on the open road with an 18 wheeler that was on fire. it was a true wild west chase and shootout. >> dallas, texas, nbc news correspondent jay gray is always on the lookout for the next big scoop. >> we're looking for this man in
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the surveillance video. >> i always like to see a good story. >> on november 7th, 2001, the veteran news man, then with kxas, then gets the chance to cover just this. >> it was really amazing. every major news organization was involved in the story. everybody went live. >> police say after 1:20 the hijacker hot wired the truck. >> it begins when an unemployed truck driver with a criminal record spots this 18 wheeler loaded with lumber outside the kfc. >> i was homeless and had nowhere to go and couldn't get any help. i thought, get this truck, two sell the lumber and get me some money. broke the window. got in, drove off. >> unbeknownst to wilson, the truck's driver jumps on the back of the rig as he's driving away and disconnects the air hoses to the rear brakes, locking the rear wheels.
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>> that driver was able to dislodge the air brakes. he made a real valiant effort to try to take control of the truck. before it pulled away. >> the truck driver ends up jumping from the truck. in spite of the locked rear wheels, wilson can still operate the big rig. he pulls out, but within minutes, thanks to a 19911 call from the truck's driver, police are on his tail. >> the individual i associated with said he wanted to buy some lumber. i was going to his house. >> he drove through yards. he drove around businesses, across medians. he crossed highways. he got on the wrong side of the highway and drove against the traffic. >> soon the friction from the truck's locked rear wheels ignites the rubber tires. those flames set fire to the rig's flat bed a forklift, and the load of lumber.
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>> once it caught fire, it just burned uncontrollably. you see this truck with a huge ball of fire in tow. not only the bright orange flames but the huge plume of black smoke as well. >> in spite of the flames and the sea of police behind him, wilson shows no signs of slowing down. >> i knew i have to get room to stop the truck and safely surrender before the police had a chance to take a shot at me. >> crowds appear as people watching the chase live on tv come outside to see it for themselves. >> move! get out of the street! >> the 18 wheeler sends pedestrians running for their lives. and motorists swerving off the road as it barrels through residential neighborhoods. >> police were doing everything they could to try to stop him from driving.
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they tried to shoot out the tire. they tried to block roads. he would just drive around them. >> fearing for public safety, police commander gives the orders, shoot to kill. >> they authorize the officers to fire and use deadly force if necessary. they deemed it necessary. >> they had no intention of me getting out of the truck alive. >> i knew they issued a code 100, which i knew was shoot to kill. at that point i'm trying to figure out how to get out of the truck. i never thought they would shoot as they did. i'm thinking you shoot me and kill me, who is going to drive the truck. you have an 80,000 pound truck driving down the streets of dallas. then somebody is bound to get hurt. >> got him. >> you got him? >> with a trail of burning tires in his wake, wilson decides to end this terrifying ride after 90 minutes, bringing the shouldering rig to a stop near
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the trinity river. >> when i did stop i was in an area where i could hold the brakes and lay flat on the ground. >> wilson is arrested without further incident and carted off to jail. after a brief trial he is convicted of felony robbery, evading arrest, and unauthorized use of the motor vik. ultimately sentenced to 28 years behind bars. a chemical accident at the laundry has left him partially blind. wilson now realizes the mistake he made that day has cost him dearly. >> i wish it never happened. all i can do is apologize to the owner, the driver. if i hadn't did what i did, i would have sight. that's part of the penalty i pay for doing what i did.
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>> i don't he think he was planning on steeling the 18-wheeler. i think there was just opportunity knocking on the door and he answered. coming up, can police stop this stolen school bus before it runs straight into rush hour traffic? when "caught on camera: they fought the law" continues. ♪
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time is running out for police, desperate to stop a stolen school bus on a collision course with rush hour traffic. >> we're getting into the city. this guy is not stopping. >> kurk kurk kirk albuquerque, new mexico just after dawn on friday, march 9th, 2012. police dash cameras roll as
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state troopers race to interstate 40. >> one tire is blown at this time. a white male is speeding east in a stolen school bus straight to the city line. the bus is stolen from this albuquerque bus yard. the suspect drives 80 miles west on i-40 to the city of grant. before turning around and heading back to albuquerque. >> negative. >> as for now, just one male driver. that's all we have. now state, city and county law enforcement are in hot pursuit. they turn him to stop the empty bus before it reaches albuquerque's early morning rush hour. the plan, stop the vehicle with spike belts, also known as stop sticks, strip ls of wire designed to puncture tires.
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mile marker 137 is 13 miles for the albuquerque city line. at 6:27 a.m. the bus appears. the bus barrels over the spike belt. but does not slow down. police deploy more spike sticks over the next several miles. >> 148 eastbound. >> struck another spike belt. losing his front tires. has no front tires anymore. he's running on the rims. >> but the driver speeds on. >> we're getting into the city. this guy is not stopping. >> the school bus is now inside the city line.
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just miles for albuquerque's most congested areas. a state police cruiser attempts to ram the bus off the road with a pit maneuver. but after three miles of vehicle to vehicle contact, the cruiser's front end is heavily damaged. hoping a bigger vehicle has a better chance, a police suv takes the lead. the pit maneuver is successful. police immediately surround the bus. inside, the driver revs the engine as if trying to escape. officers respond with a nonlethal bean bag rounds. suddenly a member of the sheriff's office fires real
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bullets into the bus, striking the suspect three times. immediately a state police officer is seen shouting at the deputy sheriff. the suspect, meanwhile, is pulled from the bus, covered in blood and wearing only boxers. he's identified as 27-year-old nathaniel shipman. his criminal history includes domestic violence, brug possession and assaulting a a police officer. he's loaded into ambulance and given a police escort to an area hospital where he makes a complete recovery. a month later shipman pleads not guilty to multiple charges, including aggravated assault on police, aggravated assault, fleeing a police officer, and burglary. he's currently in jail awaiting
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trial. the deputy who shot him is on leave pending investigation ch eventually he is cleared of wrong doing and return to duty. shipman gives no explanation for his wild ride, which snarls traffic in both directions on i-40 for several hours. coming up -- >> you want some of me? >> a drunk and disorderly diner puts mayhem on the menu at this subway. >> get down on the ground! >> and a base jumper on the edge. >> we're so busted. >> find out if he lands behind bars. when "caught on camera: they fought the law" continues. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... advanced headlights... and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima.
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a university student becomes a menace on campus. >> do you want some of me? do you want some of me? >> before cops take him down.
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>> get on the ground! >> i had never heard of anything like this. and i haven't really heard of anything like it since. >> western kentucky university in bowling green, kentucky. here some students say homecoming weekend means three things. parades, pig skins and partying. >> there's a lot of people that get drunk and do really stupid things. >> student ethan medford witnesses one such thing up close and personal during western kentucky's 2010 homecoming. >> you want to see this? early saturday evening, october 30th, medford stops by a subway on campus for a bite to eat. there a young man later identified as dennis wayne craig is making a scene. >> he was being too rowdy. he was being too loud. he was being very forceful. the woman behind the counter told him to leave, and he wouldn't.
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>> medford, sensing trouble, calls police and begins recording craig with his cell phone camera. that's when craig jumps over the counter and storms into the kitchen where the manager is trying to reach campus police. >> you could see in the video she's dialing the phone. craig followers her back there, yanks it out of the wall. >> tessa duvall is a student reporter who covered the story for the university paper "the herald." >> you don't hear a lot about phones being yanked out of walls. soon craig reappears in the seating area. >> there were a couple of guys that were just waiting for him. they were trying to hold him still, hold him down. you hear him say it's about to get nuclear. >> it's about to get nuclear. what that means, i don't know. >> it's about to get nuclear. >> craig's nuclear punch misses by a mile. instead, he's knocked to the floor.
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but it's not long before he's back on his feet again. >> he was riled up and started offering money to people who could whoop him. >> i got five [ bleep ] dollars right here. >> shirt comes off. >> stay calm. >> you want some of me? do you want some of me? >> it's an offer everyone can refuse and does. a friend of craig's in the black shirt attempts to talk some sense into him. >> craig's friend is trying to get him to calm down. >> but craig has little interest in calming down. >> i don't care! >> in a matter of seconds, there are blue uniformed cops all around him. he doesn't really move. it's like he's a deer in headlights. >> dazed and confused, craig does not comply. this time craig stays down. craig pleads guilty to alcohol intoxication and disorderly
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conduct. he's sentenced to 90 days in jail. but the judge suspends the sentence. craig is put on two years probation and pays a $250 fine. >> it's about to get nuclear. >> just what set off his nuclear meltdown remains a mystery. ethan medford's video becomes part of the official police report. he posts it on youtube where craig's antics go viral. >> it's about to get nuclear. it's about to get nuclear. >> it's about to get nuclear. >> it did become a bit of a saying around campus for a little while. >> do you want some of me? >> when he got tazed he screamed like a little girl. i think that's probably what made the video so successful on youtube. is that it's funny. >> caught in the act. >> i figured i was going to jail
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anyway, so might as well get the jump in. >> this daredevil defies the law and lands behind bars. >> now you're going to jail. big sur, california. to most people it's a marvel of engineer. spanning more than 700 feet across a coastal canyon. 280 feet above jagged rocks and pristine pacific beach. to steve gesture, it's something cool to jump off of. when the sky diving instructor isn't jumping out of planes, he's hurling himself off things. >> some people do drugs. i jump off of stuff. it makes me feel good. it's like a drug. only the fun part's the coming down. >> jester is an avid face jumper. >> there's only one small >> base jumping is acronym for
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building, antenna, span, which would be the bridge and erarth, like the cliff. >> there's only one small problem. >> whoo! >> jumping off bridges is against the law. >> what up, baby? but that doesn't stop jester from driving his car to the bigsby bridge is one of the most beautiful places that i've personally base jumped. it can be a little rocky down there. >> it's the afternoon of december 8th, 2010. jester will later admit he drank a couple of glasses of vodka mixed with cranberry juice that morning. >> i was going to free fall it. but i got scared. >> got scared. >> roll over it. >> okay. >> you ready? >> let's do it. >> let's rock.
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>> jester enlists a friend to videotape the jump. >> we like to share our videos on face book amongst other jumpers. >> jester prepares to plunge. >> i was in the middle of the bridge. the police officer pulled up. >> don't even think about it. >> don't even think about it. >> back up right now. >> we're so busted. >> i think i said a four-letter word at that point. i thought for a few seconds and said, i'm going to do it anyways. i'm going to do it anyways. >> really? >> yeah, here we go. >> the officer approaches jester. >> i'll be down there waiting for you. >> i'm under arrest anyway. >> i was just going to send you down the road. >> i doubted he would let me go. i figured i was going to jail because i have been to jail a few other times for base jumping over 25 years.
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sorry, i got to do it. >> jester tries a peace offering. shake your hand. >> he wanted to see it as much as i wanted to jump. if he wanted to stop me, he could have yanked me off the ledge. he made no effort. >> jester jumps. 15 seconds later he makes a perfect landing on the beach. >> you did good, buddy. now you're going to jail. >> when i got on the beach, i could see the police officer racing to the other side of the bridge. figured they would give me a ticket and send me down the road, but that wasn't the case. as soon as i got up they slapped the cuffs on me before i was even out of my gear, hauled me to jail.
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>> jester goes to trial and is convicted of disobeying that police officer and driving under the influence among other charges. he could have faced up to three years in jail. but is sentenced to 120 days and serves 69 before he's released for good behavior. he's placed on three years probation in order to enter an alcohol rehab program. his friend posts the video of the jump online and jester becomes an internet sensation. >> it went viral pretty quick. it ended up everywhere. i had friends calling me from all around the world. brazil, norway, england. yo, man! we saw you on the news here. it was kind of shocking. whoo! >> armed with just a parachute, jester fought the law and the law one. >> for everything identify been through the last year it wasn't really worth it. i ended up sitting in jail for 69 days. that was no fun.


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